Please Pray...

Monday, January 4, 2010

Please be in prayer for my little niece, Campbell. She's been in the hospital for about a week now. She had a terrible runny nose while we were all down in Montgomery for Christmas. The day we left her right eye was starting to swell, but we all assumed it had to do with her sinuses. The next morning they woke up and that same eye was swollen shut. They were all still at my mom's in Montgomery, so they called a doctor we know and took her by to see him. He said she had a bacterial infection and they should take her to the ER. While in the ER they ran many tests and did a CAT scan. The CAT scan results returned and showed she had a mass behind her left eye (the opposite one that was swollen). The doctor said it might be linked to the bacterial infection, so they would just keep her in the hospital for a few more days (on lots of meds) and wait for the swelling in the other eye to go down and then do another CAT scan. Today was the day of the "other" CAT scan and it came back showing the same mass behind her left eye. They are now in the process of going to the Children's Hospital in Birmingham for a second opinion. If the CAT scan results come back and the doctor in Bham suggests they go forward with the biopsy that will most likely take place tomorrow. Please pray that the mass is nothing, just linked to the infection and that Campbell's surgery goes well tomorrow. Pray for the doctors, nurses, and anyone else involved in the biopsy process. Pray for my sister, her husband, Brian and little baby Adeline (who by the way is being a fantastic little new born, it's like God just grants new babies extra patience during trying times like this). Pray for my mom who's taking care of Adeline, while my sister and her husband are with Campbell in the hospital.

"And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort." 2 Corinthians 1:7

1 comments to Please Pray...:

Ann said...

I will be praying. How scary! Please keep us updated.

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