Get it?! Like the milli-vanilli song only I switched rain for plane? :) we're back from Ohio. In fact, we've been back for almost a week now. I'm gonna be honest here, not my most favorite trip to the O-H. We got there at 2am Friday night, err, Saturday morning. Saturday was a really fun day! If I felt like I did on Saturday every day we were there it would have been a GREAT trip! But..Duhn.duhn.duhn...I got strep throat. Yep. Sunday morning I woke up feeling pretty pathetic, but I was out of town, at my in-laws, and I thought "just push through it Lele, you had a couple late nights, you're probably just exhausted, drink some coffee and get over it." So I pushed through, and kept pushing it (whilst feeling terrible). Finally Tuesday morning I told Eric it might be good if we saw a doctor, especially since I was running a steady 101 degree fever. We went to the minute clinic at CVS, and I told her I thought I had an ear infection, she checked out my ear, and said "I think I'm gonna give you a strep test." It came back positive. Y'all it was the WORST.CASE.OF.STREP.EVER! I never thought I was going to get better. I felt HORRIBLE until Friday, and even Friday I still felt pretty weak. Ugh. That was not fun and my second bout with strep in 5 months! What's up with that!??!
I think Eric had fun, and I KNOW Laney had a blast, so that's what really matters here. I'm glad she was able to see her cousins and her aunts and grandparents and great-grandparents. She was read to a lot, played with, and fed well.
Here's a little recap of Saturday, since it's the only day I actually felt good. Columbus has this really cool part of town called "the short north." Every time we visit c'bus Eric and I always end up here. We just like it, cool shops, a fun market, lots to look at and we always have fun.
(sorry most of these pics are from my phone)
Eric and I went out on a double date with his best friend Jacob and his wife Emily. They are really fun. We went to Eric's favorite Italian restaurant, Marcella's. And after dinner we hit up Jeni's, which apparently has spread all over the place! It started out in Columbus several years ago, and they just opened up new locations in Nashville and ATL (and several other big cities, but those are the two that I'll actually visit). Our night finished with a trip the the piano bar.
Ok, so, Jacob has this habit of buying Eric funny t-shirts at thrift stores, and he brought his latest find to Eric Saturday night. Of course he HAD to wear it! :)
And sadly, that's about all I can remember from our trip. The rest of the time I spent curled up in bed. Whaaaa-whaaa.
Y'all are gonna think I'm crazy, but Laney and I are actually going BACK to Ohio on Thursday with my mom, only this time we're going to Cincinnati to visit Walk and Em!!! We're driving, not flying (thank goodness). Oh! the plane ride! OH THE PLANE RIDE!!!!!! AHHH!!!! So our flight there kept getting delayed and we flew out of Montgomery around 8:30pm, then we were delayed in ATL and didn't leave there until midnight!! Do you think Laney just laid her sweet little head on my shoulder and fell asleep, like a little lamb??? OR do you think she SCREAMED THE WHOLE FLIGHT FROM ATL TO COLUMBUS!?!? That little lamb did no sleeping of any sort! She was a crazy baby, which was to be expected, we had kept her out WAY past her bedtime and she was just too tired to do anything but be sad. I can't blame her, I felt about the same as she did at that point. The return flight was MUCH better, having lots of snacks helped (thanks, Claire), so did the videos I uploaded to my iphone. I think next time we fly, I'll make sure and pick a flight that leaves WAY earlier in the day--noted.
Alright, friends, I'm off to get ready for my hot date tonight! Eric and I are headed to dinner and a movie and I can't wait! OH! One more thing, I can't finish this post without giving a MAJOR shout out to my super smart and hard working hubs. He passed his boards this week! Which is a HUGE weight off of him, I've never seen him so anxious and nervous. But he did it! and I'm so proud and thankful!
Later, gators.