It's been a while. Part of me feels bad for neglecting the blog (since it's where I keep up with our family memories), but then part of me is glad we've been too busy having fun that I've completely forgotten about it! :) Well not completely, because every time I update
this blog I'm reminded that I haven't posted here in over a month!! EEK!
So I'm gonna play a little catch up and try to remember what happened to the month of November! Does anyone else feel like that month just FLEW by! We did a lot of traveling. We were in Nashville twice and then we made the trek from Montgomery to Ohio. But let me start with the biggest news of all...
SISSY HAS A BOYFRIEND!!!!! :) He saw the add on my blog and I set the whole thing up! Totally kidding. Actually a good friend of my mom's set them up and she and "the judge" instantly hit it off! We're so excited for her!
Ok, moving on...
While we were in Nashville we had the Home Boutique. Thank you so much to everyone who came out and supported us! It was such a great event! We hope to make it an annual thing, so if you couldn't make it out this year, we'll be doing it again next year!
Thanksgiving seems like such a long time ago! We decided to drive up to Ohio for the holiday. It only took us about 10 hours to get there, but the way back was much much longer. The holiday traffic never ceases to amaze me. So many people on the roads. It probably took us about 15 hours to get back. Yuck. Laney did amazingly well. I mean...I'm not gonna lie she had her cranky moments of "get me outta this car seat NOW people!" But overall she did pretty great.
While we were in Ohio we got to stop and see these two...
Once we made it to Columbus we got to spend lots of time with Laney's adorable little cousin, Ellise! It was her birthday and she turned 3! I can't even believe how fast time flies!
And let me's been a while..but there really is nothing better than an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. It was totally delish!
While we were there we also hit up the Columbus Zoo. Just in case you're not aware, Columbus has been voted the best zoo in the country for several years now. It's really terrific! And at Christmas time they light the place up! It's beautiful!
Ok so that was Thanksgiving. When we arrived back in Montgomery we were greeted by some friendly faces!
Campbell and Adeline are here for the month. And while it's a little crazy around here it's a lot of fun. I'm so thankful that our girls have this time together. Laney really loves her cousins.
I hope you are all having a wonderful season. It's been really special for me getting to spend so much time with my family. I hope you're all surrounded by your loved ones throughout the season!
Merry Christmas!